Las Coordenadas morales y filosófico-educativas de Ferrer = Ferrer's moral, philosophical and educational coordinates

Main Article Content

Pere Solà i Gussinyer
Exploration of the thought of Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia after two series of políticomorales
reflections, one of them, Feuilles détachées, virtually unheard, and reproduced
in Appendix in this dossier. The other, the «Principios de moral científica para uso
de las escuelas racionalistas» is best known. Ferrer ideas discussed in this article are
the basis of a sketch of rationalist educational program, focused on action and word
askesis, activism and experimentation-based humanism. They are product of his time
on many points, but in others transcend it and have an added value of modernity.

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How to Cite
Solà i Gussinyer, Pere. “Las Coordenadas morales y filosófico-educativas de Ferrer = Ferrer’s moral, philosophical and educational coordinates”. Educació i Història: revista d’història de l’educació, no. 16, pp. 43-78,

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