From «Adult Education» to «A Lifelong Process of Education for Everybody» in Uruguay

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Jorge Camors
Gianela Turnes
Eduardo Rodríguez
Yliana Rodríguez
Noel Cordano
This article is the result of collective work of a group of teachers from the UNESCO Chair of Young and Adult Education in the Institute of Education at the University of the Republic, Uruguay. Its central aim is to describe and analyze how the evolution that the idea of adult education has developed in the historical context of education in Uruguay. In the first place, a historical review of the concept of adult education in Uruguay is carried out, identifying the organizational institutions and other associations dealing with the subject. Secondly, the authors present some significant experiences and reflections on the history of these educational policies and practices with both adults and young people.
Key words: lifelong process of learning, adult education, history, Uruguay.

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How to Cite
Camors, Jorge et al. “From «Adult Education» to «A Lifelong Process of Education for Everybody» in Uruguay”. Educació i Història: revista d’història de l’educació, no. 36, pp. 69-95,