Transferre in fabula Larva : Babel de una noche de San Juan et le travail de la traduction

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Amaury de Sart
This article investigates translation as a writing process in Julián Ríos’s heterolingual novel Larva (1983). Relying on Roman Jakobson’s classifications about translation (1959) and on the Groupe µ’s analysis of figures of speech (1982), we have established a typology of different translational processes in Larva before commenting those within the frame of major philosophical approaches on translating.
heterolingualism, Larva, Julián Ríos, transfiction

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How to Cite
de Sart, Amaury. “Transferre in fabula Larva : Babel de una noche de San Juan et le travail de la traduction”. Doletiana: revista de traducció, literatura i arts, no. 7, pp. 1-29,