Traduire l’heptapode : la figure du traducteur dans Premier contact

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Alice Ray
This article focuses on the fictional image of the translator in the science fiction film directed by Denis Villeneuve, Arrival (2016), based on a short story by Ted Chiang (“Story of Your Life”). The film redefines the translator status in fiction works as an essential character during a first human-extraterrestrial encounter. The analysis of both works shows some key features in the rewriting of the translator image : the interplanetary communication is described as a very long and complex process; the character of Louise Banks removes all the stereotypes associated to the profession of translation and finally, the translator becomes an essential vessel to bridge two languages, two cultures and two species.
Paraules clau
translation, science fiction, alterity, aliens, Arrival, cinema, translation studies, Denis Villeneuve, Ted Chiang

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Com citar
Ray, Alice. “Traduire l’heptapode : la figure du traducteur dans Premier contact”. Doletiana: revista de traducció, literatura i arts, no. 7, pp. 1-19,