Oriol Teixell Puig. 2019. La direcció literària d’Edicions Proa a l’exili. Epistolari de Joan Puig i Ferreter

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Josep-Vicent Garcia Raffi

Review: Oriol Teixell Puig. 2019. La direcció literària d’Edicions Proa a l’exili. Epistolari de Joan Puig i Ferreter. Pròleg de Montserrat Corretger. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat. Textos i Estudis de Cultura Catalana, 230. 310 p.

Joan Puig i Ferreter, epistolary

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How to Cite
Garcia Raffi, Josep-Vicent. “Oriol Teixell Puig. 2019. La direcció literària d’Edicions Proa a l’exili. Epistolari de Joan Puig i Ferreter”. Dictatorships & Democracies (D&D), no. 7, doi:10.7238/dd.v0i7.3170.
Author Biography

Josep-Vicent Garcia Raffi, Universitat de València, ES

Josep-Vicent Garcia Raffi (Valencia, 1961) holds a PhD in Catalan Philology, and is an Associate Professor in the Language and Literature Education Department at the Universitat de València, Spain. His fields of research are literature and language didactics, literary education in multilingual and multicultural contexts, sociolinguistics and Welsh culture, relations between literature and journalism, contemporary Catalan literature, and concentration camp literature. He has studied the work of Joan Fuster and has edited two volumes of his correspondence. He has specially focused on Catalan literature of exile and the work of Lluís Ferran de Pol, and he has published numerous articles about his novels and short stories, and edited some of his texts, as for example Abans de l’Alba, Miralls tèrbols, Un de tants and Campo de concentración (1939), as well as an anthology of his Mexican journalistic texts. Together with Carme Manuel, he has published the biography of Welsh writer Esyllt Thomas Lawrence. For more than one decade he has studied the literature written by Republican prisoners in the French concentration camps after the Spanish Civil war. He has published articles on language and literature didactics in journals such as Materials Didàctics, Escola Catalana, Guix, In-fan-ci-a, and Lenguaje y Textos. He is the author of several reading and teaching guides, and co-author of a textbook. He has also participated in numerous international conferences of significance with a large number being invited as keynote and plenary speaker. He has received several awards for teaching innovation experiences in Secondary Education, and has participated in different projects of educational renewal. Since joining the Universitat de València, he has been a lecturer in Catalan (Valencian) in the Master's Degree in Research in Specific Didactics and the Master's Degree in Language Consultancy and Literary Culture: Applications in the Valencian Context.