Spain: the pro-Franco Authoritarian Coalition before the Second World War. The Years 1939 and 1940

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Joan Maria Thomàs

This paper focuses on the analysis of internal aspects of the authoritarian Francoist coalition in the years 1939 and 1940. Specifically on how its members acted politically and what they advocated before the outbreak and during the first year of the Second World War. Likewise, it deals with the coincidences and conflicts that occurred both within the authoritarian Francoist coalition and within some of its sectors and individuals. Especially in the two most important sectors for their weight and significance, as were the army on the one hand and the single party Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las JONS on the other. This paper also studies the different attitudes found in the army, the single party, the Catholic Church, the Carlists, the Alfonsino-juanistas and among Catholic technicians of special relevance, as it was the case of the Minister of Finance José Larraz.


Spanish Civil War, Second Word War, Fascism, Francoism, Falangism, Alfonsism, Carlism, Francoist army, Catholic Church, Imperialism

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Thomàs, Joan Maria. “Spain: the pro-Franco Authoritarian Coalition before the Second World War. The Years 1939 and 1940”. Dictatorships & Democracies (D&D), no. 7, doi:10.7238/dd.v0i7.3159.


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