On the de + infinitive construction (deísmo) in spanish
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Carlota de Benito
Enrique Pato
This paper aims at providing the first complete description of the de + infinitive construction in Peninsular Spanish. Previous works have either mentioned briefly its existence by locating it in some Southern dialects (Andalusia or Extremadura) or analysed the syntactic behaviour of the construction in small areas, and have seldom used data from exhaustive corpora. Using the currently available data from the Corpus Oral y Sonoro del Español Rural (COSER), we provide a precise geographical distribution of the phenomenon and a detailed description of the construction.
Paraules clau
Spanish, grammar, de infinitive construction, deísmo
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Com citar
Benito, Carlota de; and Pato, Enrique. “On the de + infinitive construction (deísmo) in spanish”. Dialectologia: revista electrònica, pp. 29-51, https://raco.cat/index.php/Dialectologia/article/view/305537.
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Dialectologia: revista electrònica està subjecta a una llicència Creative Commons 3.0 de Reconeixement - No Comercial - Sense Obres Derivades.
Biografia de l'autor/a
Carlota de Benito
SOBRE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DE + INFINITIVO (DEÍSMO) EN ESPAÑOLArticles més llegits del mateix autor/a
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