"Trazas y "dibujos" en el pensamiento gráfico del s. XVI en España
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Lino Cabezas Gelabert
In 16th century in Spain, the world of architecture sees the meeting of two different kinds of concept in building practice. One is the professional tradition of Spanish trazas and the other is the ltalian culture of disegno. A non-institutional polemic shown in scripts and documents of the time reflects the scientific training of the tracistas, in consonance with the recognition and the social position which views the arrival from ltaly withoutprejudice. The result of the collision of these two cultures is, at first, the settlement (or accommodation) of new theories based on the knowledge of stone-cutting acquired in the construction of the great cathedrals. This accommodation is clearly demonstrated by the singular translation of the Vitruvian tex and the adaptation of the geometric perspective. Later days, however, showed the abandonment of the trazas a clear defeat of the traditional ways against creative freedom, the power of the corporation opposed to that of the Prince, technical mastery versus ideas and mechanical crafts against the artists.
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Cabezas Gelabert, Lino. “"Trazas y ‘dibujos’ en el pensamiento gráfico del s. XVI en España”. D’art, no. 17, pp. 225-38, https://raco.cat/index.php/Dart/article/view/100342.
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