Pero ¿qué crisis es esta?

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Lia Cigarini
It is well-known that politics is in a state of great crisis. Wars, an uncontrollable global market, a toughening in the forms of representative democracy. This state of things is condemned by many, at least in Italy, where we speak of degradation, decadence, etc. Many sustain that there exist alternative political practices, but the theatre of the parties, in spite of already not controlling the changing reality, takes up all the visible space, and covers up the movements that fight to modify things, those of peace, the environment, work, women, etc. There is truth there but I am interested in another approach, adjacent to that of the frontal and general discourses on the crisis of politics, this latter in the end a formula that ends up as an excuse. In the decadence of the politics and the degradation of Italian society there is beginning to come through –I believe– a repressed and unresolved masculine question. That has as an ultimate consequence that the interpretative paradigms of reality that continue to be used, no longer work. The point is that masculine society in its whole has not taken on an awareness of the end of the fathers nor of the necessity to measure itself with the political subjectivity of women, although some men have and perhaps it is the beginning of a change. Today there are many symptoms of the loss of meaning of what it means to be a man, from the most evident and coarse to the most sophisticated. The uncontrolled narcissism of the politicians and intellectuals seems to me the most evident, and I am not only thinking about Italy. France has Sarkozy. There is not an awareness of the fact that the inefficiency of politics should be attributed to the breaking down of masculine genealogy and of its language, and to its incapacity to measure itself with the other one and its political knowledge.

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Com citar
Cigarini, Lia. “Pero ¿qué crisis es esta?”. DUODA: estudis de la diferència sexual, no. 35, pp. 37-41,