Experimental Program to Foment the Use of Textbooks in Electronic Devices: Study of a Case

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Rosa Maria Nadal Roig
Claudia Grau Rubio
The apparition in the market of the tablet has marked a before and one afterwards in the education. This technological tool outlines like an
innovative resource of face to his educational utilisation. And, as all know, the school cannot remain to the margin of this technological
revolution. Analyse the impact on the students of the use of the tablet, extract his advantages and inconvenient and generate ideas on his use can
bring us to an education of quality. In this article analyses the put in practice of this new project called experimental Program for the promotion of the use of books of text in electronic devices designated tablet in a centre of public titularity of the Valencian Community. The main aim is to discover through the observation and direct participation this new resource as well as the change of methodology that supposes. Besides, also
it pretends do an evaluation through a survey to the 18 students participants of the program as well as an open interview to the professor involved and to the secretary of the centre to know his opinions and assessments on the program; opinions that have been very positive by all the parts, so much by the students how by the teacher and managerial team.

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How to Cite
Nadal Roig, Rosa Maria; and Grau Rubio, Claudia. “Experimental Program to Foment the Use of Textbooks in Electronic Devices: Study of a Case”. DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia, no. 31, pp. 1-21, https://raco.cat/index.php/DIM/article/view/291532.