Mitos y reduccionismos en educación

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Marisol Cabrera Sosa
Integrate the breakthrough of neuroscience and the researches of how the subjects learn, is a vital need to understand the proceses of learning and the act of teaching. It become indispensable to banish certain myths and reductionism in regard to the technologies of information and comunication and incorporate a conception of the total brain and body as fundamental pieces in the learning of the subjects and its binding to knowledge, without forgetting the importance of biological conditions in such proceses.
Paraules clau
Cervell, Cos, Aprenentatge, Ensenyament, Mites

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Com citar
Cabrera Sosa, Marisol. “Mitos y reduccionismos en educación”. DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia, no. 21, pp. 1-9,