El niño como pequeño director en la Red. Exploración de tres webs interactivas infantiles sobre educación mediática

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Jacqueline Sánchez-Carrero
The Network provides parents and teachers a wealth of multimedia resources in support of children's learning. However, there aren’t many Spanish-language portals who offer activities, especially for children, having to do with the audiovisual universe in all its phases. These three sites presented, are of American and British bill and show, in a friendly environment, the way it builds the audiovisual document. With her performance in Castilian hope to contribute to the dissemination of media education with a comprehensive approach for small directors.
Paraules clau
Niños en la web, Cine y TV, Realización audiovisual, Educación mediática

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Com citar
Sánchez-Carrero, Jacqueline. “El niño como pequeño director en la Red. Exploración de tres webs interactivas infantiles sobre educación mediática”. DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia, no. 18, pp. 1-9, https://raco.cat/index.php/DIM/article/view/306305.

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