Profesores frente a los videojuegos como recurso didáctico
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Mercedes Leticia Sánchez Ambriz
The present experience narrates how a group of teachers of different educational levels, incorporate the video games as didactic resource in the classroom, with the aim of: to identify how the learning develops in a gradual way for discovery, experiencial and autorregulado. The results show that the video games are a technology that forms a part of the daily life of the pupils and his incorporation inside the classroom allows to approach different matters and to develop a series of skills and skills. The most significant of the results of this work sustained in the Investigation-action and that does not form a part of the central aim, is to see how throughout twenty weeks of work, who modify in a substantial way his attitude opposite to the video games they are the teachers, who had never taken advantage of them as didactic resources, they were labeling them as games of leisure and even they were not accustomed to play them. Across the forums that were enabled to discuss his advances, they expose the challenge that meant to select the video games of agreement to the topic, to include them in his planation, narrate his impotence for not possessing the infrastructure in his schools and ultimately they accept that really they are a potential resource.
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Com citar
Sánchez Ambriz, Mercedes Leticia. “Profesores frente a los videojuegos como recurso didáctico”. DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia, no. 25, pp. 1-8,
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