Learning across Settings and Time in the Digital Age
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Moisès , 1981- Esteban Guitart
César , 1950- Coll
William R Penuel
Recent scholarship in the interdisciplinary field of the learning sciences has focused on the ways that young people use digital tools to connect learning experiences across different settings and over time. Two aspects stand out in this research: (i) the potency of youth agency in creating new activities, communities, and pathways for interest-related pursuits and (ii) the ways that peers, adults, and different sociocultural contexts afford and constrain opportunity. These contexts, or settings, include peer groups and families; schools, neighbourhoods and cities, and also nationwide infrastructures that foster connections between school-based and out-of-school learning. The articles in this special issue of Digital Education Review shed light on these topics and advance our understanding of the theories that deal with learning across various settings and times, and how to promote more equitable youth learning across these settings.
Paraules clau
Learning sciences, Learning across contexts, Learning pathways, Repertories of practice
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Com citar
Esteban Guitart, Moisès , 1981- et al. “Learning across Settings and Time in the Digital Age”. Digital Education Review, no. 33, pp. 0-0, https://raco.cat/index.php/DER/article/view/340687.
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