Feel, feel-ourself, feel Life. The presence of Böhme and Eckhart in the thought of Michel Henry

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Stefano Santasilia

Michel Henry’s phenomenological reflection is constituted as a critique of traditional phenomenology, in the light of the authentic definition of the phenomenon. Through this critique, the philosopher tries to develop a speculative path capable of leading to the «capture» of the absolute, understood as the essence of the manifestation itself. The manifestation of the manifestation implies that it’s giving itself takes place in a horizon that escapes visibility and transcendence, determining itself as «invisible» because of «radical immanence». Henry makes reference to two authors who are fundamental for the understanding of his proposal: Jacob Böhme and Meister Eckhart. This brief essay has the objective of showing how these references relocate all the reflection in contact with the question of interiority.


Michel Henry, Meister Eckhart, Jacob Böhme, Life, Interiority

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How to Cite
Santasilia, Stefano. “Feel, feel-ourself, feel Life. The presence of Böhme and Eckhart in the thought of Michel Henry”. COMPRENDRE: Revista catalana de filosofia, vol.VOL 26, no. 1, pp. 115-30, doi:10.60940/comprendrev26n1id427463.


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