Simone Weil. An answer to the remoteness of God

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Despite that Simone Weil was educated as an agnostic person, she open herself, without any constraints, to the supernatural world, accepting and assuming this dimension as part of the real world, being the reality her main point of reference. The reading, at the end of her life, of Saint John of the Cross writings, will provide to her the confirmation of her former intuitions about God, and will open her to new approaches about the human suffering, undertaking the “negative way” of the purifying atheism. In this sense, the remoteness of God, became nowadays a word for our world; this is the message that is offered to us by both, the carmelite saint and the anarchist philosopher.

negative way, concealment, atheism, purification, desire, remoteness

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How to Cite
HERRANDO, Carmen. “Simone Weil. An answer to the remoteness of God”. COMPRENDRE: Revista catalana de filosofia, vol.VOL 22, no. 2, pp. 29-47,