Actual Time: Duration, Creation and Disfiguration

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How to Cite

Santos López, Víctor. “Actual Time: Duration, Creation and Disfiguration”. Comparative Cinema, vol.VOL 10, no. 19, pp. 45-62, 98, doi:10.31009/cc.2022.v10.i19.04.


This article proposes definitions of sense time and actual time as dimensions that affect our perception of the filmic image. We believe sense time to be a succession of changes to perceivable phenomena. Meanwhile, actual time is the time that needs only itself in order to manifest, transcending the object and sense as mediators and measurements. The article embarks on an historical-aesthetic journey that examines various examples of structural and avant-garde cinema in an attempt to explore these temporalities. Likewise, the article introduces the idea of filmic matter as an independent creator of discourse and technical support of memory.


  • Time
  • Matter
  • the Real
  • duration
  • structural cinema
  • avant-garde cinema
  • memory