Let’s build a boat!

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Florenci Pla Altisent
From the belief that sciences should be taught at school through experimental practices, this study presents a project done with fifth grade students from the school Col·legi Maria Janer with the purpose of them understanding the Archimedes’ Principle in a completely experimental way. Starting from the question “can we build a boat?”, set by the teacher, and with the previous implementation of various experiments, students have designed and build a boat that is able to carry one pupil.  

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Cómo citar
Pla Altisent, Florenci. «Let’s build a boat!». Ciències: revista del professorat de ciències de Primària i Secundària, n.º 38, pp. 9-17, https://raco.cat/index.php/Ciencies/article/view/362760.
Biografía del autor/a

Florenci Pla Altisent, Universitat d'Andorra

Universitat d'Andorra

Àrea d'Informàtica