El quantificador focal «pla»: un estudi de sintaxi dialectal

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Gemma Rigau
This article offers a microsyntactic study on a dialectal topic. Its aim is to describe the syntactic, semantic and intonational behavior of sentences containing the adverb «pla». This adverb, which belongs to some North-Eastern Catalan dialects, has a focalizing role. In this paper it is argued that its focalizing value derives from its epistemic modal meaning. The case in which the presence of «pla» gives a negative meaning to the sentence is especially interesting. The paper shows that in this case an abstract negative polarity operator has to be posited.
Palabras clave
quantificador, sintaxi dialectal, adverbi «pla»

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Cómo citar
Rigau, Gemma. «El quantificador focal “pla”: un estudi de sintaxi dialectal». Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia, n.º 36, pp. 25-54, https://raco.cat/index.php/Caplletra/article/view/282807.