Reflexions al voltant de la proposta lingüística de Josep Nebot i Pérez
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Joan Rafael Ramos
This article tries to outline the general background of grammatical studies in Catalan by the end of the 19th century and beginnings of the 20th century, while phocusing on the work of the Valencian grammarian Josep Nebot i Pérez, his linguistic ideology and his interesting proposal of producing two different set of grammars: a popular one, and another addressed to the more cultivated reader.
Paraules clau
Josep Nebot i Pérez, estudis gramaticals, lingüística, Renaixença
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Com citar
Ramos, Joan Rafael. “Reflexions al voltant de la proposta lingüística de Josep Nebot i Pérez”. Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia, no. 12, pp. 11-32,
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