Escola i societat valenciana

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Carme Miquel
Carme Miquel reflect upons the role of schools and observes the contradiction between most of the values and attitudes prevailing in present society and those that schools try to transmit. In this context, the author analyzes also the linguistic issue: it is at school where advances in linguistic normalization are most noticeable. She studies the function of Valencian schools (i.e. schools in Catalan) and the role played by the citizens’ movement represented by Escola Valenciana. Federació d'Associacions per la Llengua within the social and educational environment and regarding linguistic normalization.
Paraules clau
escola valenciana, català, normalització lingüística, Escola Valenciana. Federació d'Associacions per la Llengua

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Com citar
Miquel, Carme. “Escola i societat valenciana”. Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia, no. 21, pp. 127-9,