Enterprise, business and local power in the Montevideo of modernisation and militarism (1865-1886)

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Manuel Talamante Pérez

Local power is one of the scenarios in which the links between enterprise, business and politics can best be observed. After the coming to power as provisional governor of Lorenzo Latorre in 1876, a year later a meeting took place that would further strengthen his authoritarian power in Uruguay, in which elite members of the country with direct participation in the local Montevideano power intervened: the Junta Económica Administrativa. With the use of notarial sources and commercial protocols, as well as information from the institution itself analysed, we identify who were those individuals and their relationships with municipal politics and business in Uruguayan militarism.

enterprise, business, local power, Montevideo, Uruguay

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How to Cite
Talamante Pérez, Manuel. “Enterprise, business and local power in the Montevideo of modernisation and militarism (1865-1886)”. Boletín americanista, no. 83, pp. 101-20, https://raco.cat/index.php/BoletinAmericanista/article/view/395423.