An Anglican experience in the Bolivian Chaco (1926-1935) Abstract:

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Isabelle , 1964 - Combès
The South American Missionary Society worked in the Isoso region during nine years, and finally left the Bolivian Chaco in 1935 due to the crude war between Bolivia and Paraguay. The paper describes this particular missionary experience by using missionary reports in combination with oral testimonies and additional documentation. It specifically analyzes the diverse agendas behind the relationships between Anglican missionaries and Isoseño headmen, which influenced significantly the regional history
South American Missionary Society, Isoso, Indigenous chieftainship, Chaco War

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How to Cite
Combès, Isabelle , 1964 -. “An Anglican experience in the Bolivian Chaco (1926-1935) Abstract:”. Boletín americanista, no. 70, pp. 135-58,