¿Indios y blancos? Hacer (etno) historia en las tierras bajas de Bolivia.

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Isabelle , 1964 - Combès
Bearing in mind as case study the development of the Capitanía of Isoso (Bolivian Chaco) during the XIXth century, this paper discusses the binary, reductive, simplistic vision of indigenous history in terms of conflict between “Indians” and “Whites”. Real history includes more than two collective characters, and it should not be reduced to a mechanic “Indian” response to “White
colonization”. Isoso history shows that this sort of interpretation is possible nut
necessary if we ant to grasp the reality of Indian history in its full dimensions.

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Com citar
Combès, Isabelle , 1964 -. “¿Indios y blancos? Hacer (etno) historia en las tierras bajas de Bolivia”. Boletín americanista, no. 60, pp. 15-32, https://raco.cat/index.php/BoletinAmericanista/article/view/193997.