Territory and the city in the new Chilean Constitution

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Maricarmen Tapia Gómez
Ana Sugranyes
Chile opened the process for drafting a new Constitution. During this period, new redaction’s subjects and contents will be raised, where guiding principles for territorial and urban development are to be considered. However, the discussions held so far do not consider the relationship between social rights and the territories, and this paper presents the progresses and interrelationships that are relevant to include. Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the guiding principle, highlighting the most relevant rights for land and urban regulation and planning.
Human Rights, Constitution, Urbanism, Territorial Planning

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How to Cite
Tapia Gómez, Maricarmen; and Sugranyes, Ana. “Territory and the city in the new Chilean Constitution”. Biblio 3w: revista bibliográfica de geografía y ciencias sociales, https://raco.cat/index.php/Biblio3w/article/view/303781.