Editors' Notes

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Melinda Dooly
Emilee Moore
We begin the first volume of year with an invited article from Dr. Anna Camps. The contribution is based on Camps' 2016/17 inauguration address for the Official Master's Degree in Research in Education. As editors, we are content to be able to offer support, albeit in a small way, to our beseiged academic colleagues in Syria by beginning the section on research articles with a text by Abidrabbo Alnassan from the Université de Damas (Syria), followed by articles on pre-service English teachers' perceptions and another one discussing translanguaging practices in early language learning. We complement the research articles with an interview with Dr. James Simpson about the ARHC-funded TLang project and a review of the book Linguistic Ethnography: Interdisciplinary Explorations.

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How to Cite
Dooly, Melinda; and Moore, Emilee. “Editors’ Notes”. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, vol.VOL 10, no. 1, pp. 1-8, https://raco.cat/index.php/Bellaterra/article/view/321493.

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