Tareas de escritura y géneros discursivos en los libros de texto
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Gema González Caravaca
IES Arcipreste de Hita (Madrid)
This paper presents the analysis of the writing tasks proposed in two textbooks for the first course of the secondary education in Spain. The inclusion of the speech genre is thoroughly studied. The analysis has different foci: firstly, the text types and the speech genres are considered, followed by a comparative analysis of the approaches used (original or adapted) for teaching the texts. The suitability of each method is examined in relation to the objectives to be achieved in each case. Finally, the layout of the writing process and the underlying models underneath are examined. From the analysis carried out it can be concluded that the writing process proposed in the textbooks follows a lineal model in which recursivity and self-assessment are not promoted.
Paraules clau
teaching writing, recursivity, self-assessment, discourse genre
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Com citar
González Caravaca, Gema. “Tareas de escritura y géneros discursivos en los libros de texto”. Bellaterra: journal of teaching and learning language and literature, vol.VOL 7, no. 2, pp. 70-83, https://raco.cat/index.php/Bellaterra/article/view/298199.