Afiliación intelectual y escritura en la universidad : un estudio de caso sobre la perspectiva de los docentes
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Miriam María Rosa Casco
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
This paper is an exercise of approximation to the perspective of teachers facing the intellectual and discursive problems of university students. The analysed data was obtained through a survey and interviews to professors of three different areas of education (Social Sciences, Veterinary Sciences and Engineering). Fieldwork was done in the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the presentation of results, preconceptions and teaching practices were identified to assess their potential weight in the incorporation to the university culture.
Paraules clau
affiliation, academic writing, university professorship
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Com citar
Casco, Miriam María Rosa. “Afiliación intelectual y escritura en la universidad : un estudio de caso sobre la perspectiva de los docentes”. Bellaterra: journal of teaching and learning language and literature, vol.VOL 7, no. 2, pp. 34-53,