Optimising Classroom Interaction: An Interview with Steve Walsh
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Professor Steve Walsh is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the School of ECLS of the University of Newcastle in the United Kingdom. He is the module leader for ‘Teacher Development for TESOL’, ‘Learning and teaching in Higher Education’, ‘Discourse Analysis for English language teachers’. He also supervises Master-level and Doctoral students. His main research interests focus on all aspects of classroom discourse and the interactional awareness among both teachers and pupils. He has published articles in journals such as Language Teaching Research, Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, ELT Journal and Language Awareness and books that have made an important impact on research in classroom interaction: Investigating Classroom Discourse (2006), and Exploring Classroom Discourse: Language in action (2011), to name a two recent ones.
Keywords: Interview, classroom interaction, dialogic teaching
El professor Steve Walsh és professor de Lingüística Aplicada de la School of ECLS of the University of Newcastle al Regne Unit. Ell és el líder del mòdul de ‘Teacher Development for TESOL’, ‘Learning and teaching in Higher Education’, ‘Discourse Analysis for English language teachers’. També supervisa als estudiants de nivell de Màster i Doctorat. Els seus principals interessos de recerca es centren en tots els aspectes del discurs a l'aula i el rol d'interacció entre professors i alumnes. Ha publicat articles en revistes com Language Teaching Research, Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, ELT Journal i Language Awareness i els seus llibres han tingut un impacte important en la recerca d'interacció a l'aula: Investigating Classroom Discourse (2006), i Exploring Classroom Discourse: Language in action (2011), per nomenar dos recents.
Paraules clau: Entrevista, interacció a l'aula, l'ensenyament dialògica
El profesor Steve Walsh es profesor de Lingüística Aplicada de la School of ECLS of the University of Newcastle en el Reino Unido. Él es el líder del módulo de 'Teacher Development for TESOL', 'Learning and teaching in Higher Education', 'Discourse Analysis for English language teachers'. También supervisa a los estudiantes de nivel de Máster y Doctorado. Sus principales intereses de investigación se centran en todos los aspectos del discurso en el aula y el rol de interacción entre profesores y alumnos. Ha publicado artículos en revistas como Language Teaching Research, Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, ELT Journal y Language Awareness y sus libros han tenido un impacto importante en la investigación sobre la interacción en el aula: Investigating Classroom Discourse (2006), y Exploring Classroom Discourse: Language in action (2011), por nombrar dos recientes.
Palabras clave: Entrevista, interacción en el aula, la enseñanza dialógica
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Vanesa Fernández del Viso Román, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Vanesa Fernández del Viso Román has a Master in Education from the Department of Language and Literature Education, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), where she carried out research on Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) applied to teaching Shakespeare to secondary students in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. She teaches English and is head of Foreign Language studies at a secondary school in Catalonia.