L’Altre Ubic: towards a more Inclusive and Contemporary Queer-feminist Cultural Management

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Lorena González Ruiz

This article seeks to understand how art can contribute to making non-normative gender identities known and visible. Bearing in mind this objective we analyse a case study, the exhibition L’Altre Ubic, Migracions del Cos Fragmentat (2020-2023) that gathers contemporary artworks around gender fluidity, to propose cultural management and queer-feminist discursive revisionism as a practical strategy to build a more inclusive and modern cultural management. The article explores how L’Altre Ubic presents the main characteristics of queer-feminist culture management: the discursive revisionism of hegemonic narratives on gender, a located perspective, the recovery of minorized narratives, as well as the recovery of non-linear discourses and their historical contextualization. The conclusions reflect the specificity of the case study: on the one hand, its meta-cultural and semiotic character; on the other hand, its importance as a paradigmatic example of queer-feminist management beyond museums, specifically oriented to cultural platforms devoted to cultural dynamization, such as civic centres, contemporary culture centres and creation factories. Coming from a constructionist perspective, the article highlights the palimpsest character of collective narratives, such as those on culture management and identity.

feminist cultural management, contemporary art, cultural management, feminism, queer

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How to Cite
González Ruiz, Lorena. “L’Altre Ubic: towards a more Inclusive and Contemporary Queer-feminist Cultural Management”. BRAC: Barcelona, Recerca, Art, Creació, vol.VOL 12, no. 1, https://raco.cat/index.php/BRAC/article/view/425690.