The Performance and Laboratories of Utopia: Oskar Schlemmer and the Creation of the Notion of Performance

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María Isabel Navarro Segura
Angélica Camerino Parra
The main emphasis of the article is on the origins of performative manifestations until they reached a conscious conceptual development with repercussions on contemporary artistic practices. Here we will see how the figure of Oskar Schlemmer, who had started as an artist in the visual arts, was gradually metamorphosed until concreting performative and action experimentations that carried out representative expressions of the utopian laboratories within the vanguards of the first half of the twentieth century; thus contributing to the creation of the notion of performances with a wide and rich possibility of using materials and with a conceptual depth of great depth in constant relation with the most groundbreaking philosophical currents of the time. In addition, he processed and carried out, alone or with the collaboration of several artists, all the known modalities of creative expressions that occurred in parallel with the technological development. And to this was added the research component on the body, human syche, biocentrism, color, materials, music, lighting and prosthetics, among other points of interest, and on which will delve into the present work.
performance, Oskar Schlemmer, utopia, action

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How to Cite
Navarro Segura, María Isabel; and Camerino Parra, Angélica. “The Performance and Laboratories of Utopia: Oskar Schlemmer and the Creation of the Notion of Performance”. BRAC: Barcelona, Recerca, Art, Creació, vol.VOL 7, no. 2, pp. 157-86,