Te Refection of Ancient Tragedy in Two Modern Versions of Antigone: Søren Kierkegaard and María Zambrano

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Ana Bundgård
Te article addresses two diferent conceptions of the tragedy in- herent in the human condition. In his essay on Antigone, Soren Kierkegaard defned the tragic in a framework combining aesthetics, ethics and theology. María Zam- brano, in turn, let Antigone herself express the meaning and truth of life from the metaphyscial pers- pective of the author’s own “poetic reason”. Te argument comes in steps. In the frst, I assess Zambra- no’s interpretation of Kierkegaard’s existential philosophy. In the second, I explain Kierkegaard’s and Zambrano’s divergent approaches to the fgure of Antigone, and show how they nevertheless displayed a critical conception of the modern subject and its individualism with a view to reestablishing the connecti- on between the individual and the divine.
Zambrano, Kierkegaard, Antigone, tragedy, modernity

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How to Cite
Bundgård, Ana. “Te Refection of Ancient Tragedy in Two Modern Versions of Antigone: Søren Kierkegaard and María Zambrano”. Aurora: papeles del Seminario María Zambrano, no. 16, pp. 18-27, https://raco.cat/index.php/Aurora/article/view/304000.

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