Forum Theater’s potential as a Research Tool

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Andrea Calsamiglia Madurga
Jenny Cubells Serra
We present a theoretical and epistemological reflection on Forum Theater’s potential as a Research Tool. Our presence on social action and research has led us to a double reflection on qualitative research’s limitations on the affect studies and the Forum Theater’s potential as a research tool to tackle research about affects. After some specific experiences in action research (qualitative research on romantic love and gender violence, and the creation process of the Forum Theater “Is it a joke?”), we explore Forum Theatre’s possibilities as a research tool in the feminist epistemology framework.
Love, Forum Theater, Gender Violence, Feminist epistemology

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How to Cite
Calsamiglia Madurga, Andrea; and Cubells Serra, Jenny. “Forum Theater’s potential as a Research Tool”. Athenea digital, vol.VOL 16, no. 1, pp. 189-0,
Author Biographies

Andrea Calsamiglia Madurga, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Doctoranda y Profesora Asociada. Departamento de Psicología Social. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Coordinadora Teatro Social (NUS Teatre i Acció Social)

Jenny Cubells Serra, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Profesora agregada del Departamento de Psicología Social de la UAB. Responsable del Grupo de Investigación SGR Estudios Sociales del Género, el Poder y la Subjetividad.