Imaginario Social : una aproximación desde la obra de Michel Maffesoli

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Nizaiá Cassián
Maria Gisela Escobar Domínguez
Ricardo Espinoza
Raúl García
Martín Holzknecht
Carolina Jiménez
In the following text we display a review, –a sort of collective reflection exercise-, regarding the extensive bibliographic production of Michel Maffesoli, trying to articulate the notion of social imaginary departing from the suppositions present in Maffesoli´s work. In order to understand the production context of this French sociologist, we began by a brief review of his main work as well as other theoretical influences. Afterwards, his fundamental texts are the subject to a reflection: Ordinary Knowledge, The orgy, The Time of the Tribes, Praise of a Sensible Reason, and The Eternal Instant. Finally, several elements studied were integrated in an approach to the notion of social imaginary, facing four thematic categories following Enrique Carretero´s (2003) proposals: utopia’s meaning, problems concerning modernity, symbolic integration of neotribalism, and the legitimacy of social order.

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Com citar
Cassián, Nizaiá et al. “Imaginario Social : una aproximación desde la obra de Michel Maffesoli”. Athenea digital, no. 9,

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