Tequila Sunrise and Social Action

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Camilo Aedo Valejos
Yann Bona
Raúl García
Víctor Hernández Ramírez
Marcela Olivera Montero
Héctor Eduardo Robledo Mejía
In this work we present/display a narrative exercise about social action and hermeneutic theories that have tried to define or to speak about it. Diverse proposals are taken: from social action considered as a text to the more pragmatic considerations of action. In this story it is put into play, in a gadamerian sense, a fiction that has the virtue of thinking and putting in act, simultaneously, a concept that theoretically has been elusive. This approach assumes the subtle notion of fictitious narration that, according to Paul Ricoeur, has the paradoxical characteristic that as the most unreal is a reading, its influence is deeper on social reality. On the other hand, we agreed with Alfred Schutz in that, when laughing, there is a scope of meaning that grants reality to the fictitious world and the world of daily life acquires new meanings.

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Com citar
Aedo Valejos, Camilo et al. “Tequila Sunrise and Social Action”. Athenea digital, no. 7, https://raco.cat/index.php/Athenea/article/view/34174.

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