Ariadna danza : lecturas feministas de Michel Foucault
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Patricia Amigot Leache
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Margot Pujal i Llombart
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
The work of Michel Foucault has been read from a feminist point of view in different ways. Feminist readers of Foucault have different opinions on the relevance and usefulness of Foucault’s concepts and analyses. We argue that the dialogue between both positions has been complex but extremely interesting, both for feminist practices and for any analytics of power. In this paper we discuss some of the basic elements of agreement and disagreement that feminist authors have showed with Foucault. We finally argue that reading Foucault’s work taking into account its feminist critique may be very useful in developing a deeper analysis of power relations.
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Amigot Leache, Patricia; and Pujal i Llombart, Margot. “Ariadna danza : lecturas feministas de Michel Foucault”. Athenea digital, no. 9, pp. 100-3,
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