Regular Pilates and fitness class participants vs non exercisers. A comparison of functional strength capacity

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Teresa García Pastor
María Laguna Nieto
Susana Aznar Laín
Pilates is a mind-body exercise program gaining in popularity and acceptance by health and physical activity professionals, but there is a scarcity of scientific research. The aim of this study was to evaluate functional strength capacity between three groups: regular exercisers of Pilates Method, regular fitness class participants, and a non-exercisers group (regular exercise=at least 2days per week for three consecutive months).

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How to Cite
García Pastor, Teresa et al. “Regular Pilates and fitness class participants vs non exercisers. A comparison of functional strength capacity”. Apunts: Medicina de l’esport, vol.VOL 46, no. 172, pp. 169-76,

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