Eudemon Scale of personal well-being: Psychometric characteristics
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Alfredo Fierro
Belén Rando Calvo
This study describes the psychometric characteristics of the Eudemon Scale of Personal Well-being (EBP) a 33-item scale that assesses perceived subjective well-being. The scale was administered to 489 subjects. The data obtained were submitted to factor analysis. Principal components analysis revealed two components for EBP. The first component, which explains 37.42% ofthe total variance, can be deemed as “absence of well-being”; the second component, which correlates with the first one and explains 5.76% of the rest of the variance, can be deemed as “positive well-being”. The Cronbach’s Alpha co-efficients were .91 for the first component and .79 for the second. The item analysis shows that the original version of EBP can be reduced from 33 to 24 items without reducing the scale’s internal consistency or reliability.
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How to Cite
Fierro, Alfredo; and Rando Calvo, Belén. “Eudemon Scale of personal well-being: Psychometric characteristics”. Anuario de psicología / The UB Journal of psychology, vol.VOL 38, no. 3, pp. 401-12,
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