Estatus de l’avifauna de Parc Natural Marítim- terrestre es Trenc-Salobrar de Campos a 2019

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Pere J. Garcias
Carlos López-Jurado

[eng] The avifauna status of the Es Trenc-Salobrar Maritemeterrestrial
Natural Park in 2019. The bird population is made up of 233 species.
Compared to other protected areas, it is an interesting breeding zone
with 66 nesting species, one of the best wintering areas with 97 species,
an excellent stopover area for 155 species of migrants, and has records of
16 species considered rarities. The Salobrar area is the best place in the
Balearics for waders. All these traits make it the third most important protected
area in the Balearics from an ornithological point of view.

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How to Cite
Garcias, Pere J.; and López-Jurado, Carlos. “Estatus de l’avifauna de Parc Natural Marítim- terrestre es Trenc-Salobrar de Campos a 2019”. Anuari Ornitològic de les Balears: revista d’observació estudi i conservació dels aucells, no. 34, pp. 32-53,

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