Homologació de rareses ornitològiques a Balears. Informe de 2012

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Carles López-Jurado
Pere J. Garcías
Òscar García-Febrero
Joan Miquel González
Oliver Martínez
Steve Nicoll
The twenty second annual report of the Balearic Ornithological rarities
Committee is presented. A total of 19 records were accepted corresponding to
eleven species, noteworthy is a second accepted report for the Balearics of
goshawk accipiter gentillis. The remaining observations are of Ruddy shelduck
Tadorna ferruginea, Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla, Dotterel charadrius
morinellus, Common gull larus canus, Caspain Tern Hydroprogne caspia,
Richard’s anthus richardi, Rufous-tailed scrub Robin cercotrichas galactotes,
Western Olivaceous Warbler Iduna opaca, Orphean Warbler Sylvia hortensis and
Red-backed shrike lanius collurio.
Also included are 17 records corresponding to 13 species from the Balearics
accepted by the spanish Rarities Committee of the sociedad Española de Ornitología
(CR-sEO/Birdlife), a first accepted record for spain of a Ruppell’s Warbler
Sylvia ruppeli and a first record for the Balearics of an Isabelline Wheatear
oenanthe isabelina are of note. The remaining records are of Pallid Harrier
circus macrourus, Pectoral sandpiper calidris melanotos, Caspian gull larus
cachinnans, Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca, yellow-browed Warbler Sylvia
inornatus, Red-brested Flycatcher Ficedula parva, Collared Flycatcher Ficedula
albicollis, Masked shrike lanius nubicus, Rosy starling Pastos roseus, Common
Rosefinch carpodacus erythrinus and Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla.

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Com citar
López-Jurado, Carles et al. “Homologació de rareses ornitològiques a Balears. Informe de 2012”. Anuari Ornitològic de les Balears: revista d’observació estudi i conservació dels aucells, no. 27, pp. 49-66, https://raco.cat/index.php/AnuariOrnitologic/article/view/276005.

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