«Instructions fetes per los administradors del hospital general de Santa Creu». Gli ordinamenti inediti della baronia di Posada nel XVI secolo

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Giacomo Floris
This article wants to make to know an unpublished document of the century XVI, of the ancient barony of Posada, found again near the file of the Biblioteca de Catalunya (BC). The data presents are very interesting, in fact, it contains the feudal arrangements, emanated from the hospital of Saint Creu of Barcellona, for the good government of the barony.

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Com citar
Floris, Giacomo. “«Instructions fetes per los administradors del hospital general de Santa Creu». Gli ordinamenti inediti della baronia di Posada nel XVI secolo”. Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia, no. 30, pp. 359-72, https://raco.cat/index.php/ActaHistorica/article/view/250083.