Del tractat d'Argelers al de Poissy. El Regne de Mallorca entre la Corona Catalanoaragonesa i França (1298-1313)
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Antoni , 1944- Riera i Melis
Towards the end of the 13th century the kingdom of Majorca strengthened its relationships with the Crown of Aragon, once it obtained its renounciation to its claims upon the Balearic islands, through the Argelers agreemenet. Together, the two states created by James I the Conqueror’s anachronistic policy towards his own succession, opposed the French advance towards the Pyrenees and the Corberes mountains; they also resisted Ligurian hostility towards them in both basins of the Meditarranean. The alliance, however, entailed costs for James II of Majorca, who was not able to force the Catalan merchants to the payment of the new Balearic Islands tariff. It also entailed costs for his homonymous nephew in Aragon, who had to accept the setting up of an independent monetary system in the Balearic enclave as well as the proliferation of Majorcan consulates in the Maghrib. Joint diplomatic pressure obtained substantial results by 1313, at the Treatise of Poissy. The prohibition to wool and semi-elaborated cloth exports –established by the Capetians in Languedoc– was lifted, while the Valley of Aran was returned and reintegrated into Catalonia.
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Riera i Melis, Antoni , 1944-. “Del tractat d’Argelers al de Poissy. El Regne de Mallorca entre la Corona Catalanoaragonesa i França (1298-1313)”. Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia, no. 29, pp. 299-25,
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