El retablo de San Miguel y San Juan Bautista de la iglesia parroquial de Sant Llorenç de Morunys (segle XV)

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Ma. del Carmen Riu de Martín
This article is a study about a gothic picture from the church of Sant Llorenç de Morunys dedicated to saint Michel and saint Jean Baptiste. I tried to find out who the artist was who did this work of art, to see the way saint Michel and saint Jean were represented in the Catalan iconography of the XVth century, to explain the history of the piece during our century and the system applied to restore It. Unfortunately,, It has not been possible to find the author, because we have not got the documents, but this study help us to discover more details and establish some trends and conclusions about this interesting piece.

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Com citar
Riu de Martín, Ma. del Carmen. “El retablo de San Miguel y San Juan Bautista de la iglesia parroquial de Sant Llorenç de Morunys (segle XV)”. Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia, no. 20, pp. 737-54, https://raco.cat/index.php/ActaHistorica/article/view/188807.