Restoring Women In Classical Subjects

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Ignasi Vidiella Puñet

In the last two centuries, society has slowly become aware of women’s inequality and has tried to offer solutions from all perspectives. According to the general consensus, a helpful attempt is to teach female referents who should allow women to be whoever they want to be. In this sense, I think that Classical subjects can give examples to make visible the female role, neither prettying it up nor denying it. Therefore, this paper aims to suggest some activities, following the current Catalan Education Law, which allow students enrolled in Classical subjects to get to know relevant female figures who wrote in the Latin or Greek languages, such as Sappho, Sulpicia, Theano, Hypatia of Alexandria or Hildegard of Bingen.

Genre, Inequality, Classical Culture, Latin, Greek

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How to Cite
Vidiella Puñet, Ignasi. “Restoring Women In Classical Subjects”. Anuari de Filologia. Antiqua et Mediaeualia, vol.VOL 2, no. 10, pp. 183-9,