Una aproximación a la literatura española para alumnos chinos

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Manel Leor Pastor

Considering the growing interest and approach in China to the courses of E/LE, the current study analyses the existing materials in market for teaching the History of Spanish Literature to foreign students and it also reects on Chinese culture of learning and on the knowledge that has Chinese students have about Western culture. From the data collected, the paper tries to provide some guidelines to develop a methodology structured by task-based communicative approach, respecting the instructions of the Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for conducting a course on the History of Spanish Literature adressed to Chinese students. Finally, the study proposes a teaching unit that establishes synergies between the two methods of teaching, the Western communicative approach and Chinese culture of learning, with the aim of meeting the specic needs of students who are adressed to, and with the aspiration of oering a methodology that helps students to understand better the new culture they are facing.

Paraules clau
SFL, Task-Based Approach, Spanish Literature, Learning Chinese Culture, Interculturality, Teaching Methodology

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Com citar
Leor Pastor, Manel. “Una aproximación a la literatura española para alumnos chinos”. Triangle: llenguatge, literatura, computació, no. 9, pp. 1-73, https://raco.cat/index.php/triangle/article/view/388838.