La locución conjuntiva "caso que" : testimonios de su variación y usos
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Inés Carrasco
Universidad de Málaga
Pilar Carrasco
Universidad de Málaga
The conjunctive locutions formed with the noun «caso» arise from the need to renew linguistic expression of theprecesses related to the hypothetical starting in the fourteenth century. They are frequently found in texts typical ofcommunicative distance and their uses fluctuate between concessive and conditional values. The analysis of theselocutions through the resources provided by corpus, in particular CORDE, reveals the following chronology: caso quereaches its highest point of frequency in the fifteenth century, when it begins its decline before the rise of puesto casoque, en caso que y dado caso que, which are experience a sharp fall from the eighteenth-century coinciding with thegradual increase of the modern locution en caso de que.
Paraules clau
Diachrony, History of the Spanish language, Syntax, Corpus linguistics
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Com citar
Carrasco, Inés; and Carrasco, Pilar. “La locución conjuntiva ‘caso que’ : testimonios de su variación y usos”. Scriptum digital. Revista de corpus diacrònics i edició digital en Llengües iberoromàniques, no. 7, pp. 5-23,