«Delos sos oios tan fuerte mientre lorando»: un cambio sintáctico examinado a través de un corpus digitalizado
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Robert J. Blake
University of California, Davis
Carlos Sánchez Lancis
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
In this study, we extend the idea of a synchronic sociolinguistic continuum to a diachronic framework in order to examine the origin and evolution of a particular Spanish syntactic change - the possessive construction article + possessive adjective + noun, for example los sos oios - with data extracted from a digitalized corpus of early medieval notarial documents from the Sahagun Monastery on the border of Castile and Leon (9th to 12th centuries). These texts are written in a mixed or Latinate style that employs both Latin morphology and lexis along with other forms rendered in completely reformed, phonetic spellings patterned after the spoken Romance vernacular at the time. We used a digital corpus tool called MOCA (Multimedia Online Corpus Analysis) to follow the evolution of this possessive construction over time. This methodology allowed us to establish a linguistic continuum between Romance syntax in documents written both before and after the adoption of Carolingian orthographic reforms.
Paraules clau
Sociolinguistic continuum, Digital medieval Spanish corpus, Notarial documents, Syntactic change, Possessive construction
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Com citar
Blake, Robert J.; and Sánchez Lancis, Carlos. “«Delos sos oios tan fuerte mientre lorando»: un cambio sintáctico examinado a través de un corpus digitalizado”. Scriptum digital. Revista de corpus diacrònics i edició digital en Llengües iberoromàniques, no. 1, pp. 137-61, https://raco.cat/index.php/scriptumdigital/article/view/316415.
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- Robert J. Blake, Carlos Eliseo Sánchez Lancis, Pablo Robles García, La selección de modo en las subordinadas sustantivas en el marco histórico y actual , Scriptum digital. Revista de corpus diacrònics i edició digital en Llengües iberoromàniques: Núm. 8 (2019)