Los corpus diacrónicos como instrumento para el estudio del origen y distribución de la concordancia de objeto en español

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Marcos García Salido
Victoria Vázquez Rozas
The article is based on previous research on the genesis and diffusion of object agreement in Spanish, which highlights the advantages of a corpus-driven approach as contrasted with other lines of analysis. We take into account the Spanish historical corpora available and discuss the feasibility of retrieving the necessary data for this type of study. Furthermore, we put forward some proposals about what kind of information (tagging, parsing, etc.) could make the task easier. Lastly, in the light of corpus data, we can see to what extent certain syntactic functions favour particular coding devices and information status, and consider if the various discourse genres registered in the history of the Spanish language are equally representative of these preferences.
Paraules clau
diacronía, anotación de corpus, concordancia de objeto

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Com citar
García Salido, Marcos; and Vázquez Rozas, Victoria. “Los corpus diacrónicos como instrumento para el estudio del origen y distribución de la concordancia de objeto en español”. Scriptum digital. Revista de corpus diacrònics i edició digital en Llengües iberoromàniques, no. 1, pp. 67-84, https://raco.cat/index.php/scriptumdigital/article/view/316412.