Corpus de traducción para la historia de la lengua: una cala en la prosa dialógica erasmiana
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Santiago del Reu Quesada
Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung / Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Although Historical Linguistics and disciplines related to Translation have always been complementary from different points of view, they have been charting divergent courses in recent times due to philological specialization. In the next pages I aim to show how these research fields interact, taking into account very important elements of confluence between them. I shall particularly mention parallel and comparable corpora, which represent a useful tool in investigating language both synchronically and diachronically. Finally, I present a parallel corpus with a synoptic edition, which is partially contained in the Appendix attached at the end of this work.
Beforehand I explain the problems I have faced when drawing up this edition and the formal and analytical criteria I
have followed in the constitution of this corpus.
Beforehand I explain the problems I have faced when drawing up this edition and the formal and analytical criteria I
have followed in the constitution of this corpus.
Paraules clau
Translation, Diachrony, Golden Age, Discourse Traditions
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Com citar
Reu Quesada, Santiago del. “Corpus de traducción para la historia de la lengua: una cala en la prosa dialógica erasmiana”. Scriptum digital. Revista de corpus diacrònics i edició digital en Llengües iberoromàniques, no. 4, pp. 37-107,