La introducción de las familias léxicas de fàcil y difícil en catalán a partir de un corpus histórico
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Gloria Clavería Nadal
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Filologia Espanyola
Joan Torruella
Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats
At the moment all the Romance languages share the adjectives fàcil and difícil together with other terms that belong to the same lexical family as modal adverbs fàcilment and difícilment and nouns as facilitat and dificultat. They are Latinisms or Cultisms that were introduced in the Low Middle Ages and they form part of the «relatinisation» of Romance languages, to which Catalan decisively contributed with Ramon Llull and other Medieval authors. Following the research model developed by R. Eberenz (1998), this work presents a study of the introduction of fàcil and difícil and its family in Catalan texts from 13th-15th centuries with the aim to know the moment they were introduced in the language, their semantic meanings and their uses, the semantic relation that interact with the two word families, its integration in the Catalan lexical system and the connection they established with already existing words such as lleu and greu. This work uses data extracted from the Corpus Informatitzat del Català Antic (CICA) as a fundamental base. This corpus contains more than nine million words, from which nearly seven million belong to or are from the 13th-15th centuries.
Paraules clau
corpus linguistics, lexical history, Catalan, latinism, cultism
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Com citar
Clavería Nadal, Gloria; and Torruella, Joan. “La introducción de las familias léxicas de fàcil y difícil en catalán a partir de un corpus histórico”. Scriptum digital. Revista de corpus diacrònics i edició digital en Llengües iberoromàniques, no. 5, pp. 65-83,